宇宙有多大视频 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美剧 港台 2008

导演: 许慧欣   


S7, Ep1
  8 Jan. 2019 Nightmares of Neutron Stars
  Neutron stars are strange and violent phenomena that defy the laws of physics, and new discoveries reveal that these bizarre nightmares are far more deadly than previously believed, with the power to destroy planets and even other stars.
  When Supernovas Strike S7, Ep2
  15 Jan. 2019 When Supernovas Strike
  Supernovas are the violent death of giant stars, and new discoveries reveal that these cataclysmic events create the elements that are essential to all life in the universe.
  The Interstellar Mysteries S7, Ep3
  22 Jan. 2019 The Interstellar Mysteries
  Discoveries about interstellar space, the space between the universe's stars, reveal that it's not empty and unremarkable as previously thought, but filled with weird objects and strange phenomena that might hold the darkest secrets of the cosmos.
  How Black Holes Made Us S7, Ep4
  29 Jan. 2019 How Black Holes Made Us
  Black holes are not the violent monsters people think they are, and new discoveries reveal that they might have been essential to creating stars, giving light, and building the universe itself.
  Secret World of Nebulas S7, Ep5
  5 Feb. 2019 Secret World of Nebulas
  Nebulas are the strange structures of cosmic gas and dust where stars are born and die, and new discoveries reveal the secrets of these mysterious places.
  Did the Big Bang Really Happen? S7, Ep6
  12 Feb. 2019 Did the Big Bang Really Happen?
  New discoveries are causing astronomers to question if the Big Bang really happened, and using the latest science, they investigate if it wasn't just the start of our universe but many mysterious multiverses.
  Battle of the Dark Universe. S7, Ep7
  19 Feb. 2019 Battle of the Dark Universe.
  Dark matter and dark energy are locked in an epic battle for control of the cosmos, and the winner will determine the fate of the universe. New discoveries might reveal which force will emerge victorious.
  Hunt for Alien Life S7, Ep8
  26 Feb. 2019 Hunt for Alien Life
  The latest discoveries suggest that we might be on the verge of discovering life beyond our planet, and scientists are investigating if earth's life began elsewhere in the universe, and whether we need to evolve to know for sure.
  Finding the New Earth S7, Ep9
  5 Mar. 2019 Finding the New Earth
  New discoveries have revealed thousands of exoplanets beyond the solar system. Some resemble earth enough that one could be a new home for humanity. Even with cutting-edge technology, finding the perfect one is the scientific challenge of the age.
  Cassini's Final Secrets S7, Ep10
  12 Mar. 2019 Cassini's Final Secrets
  For twenty years, NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed the strange secrets of Saturn until it vaporized in its atmosphere in a blaze of glory. But today its legacy lives on, as fresh data from the probe helps scientists make brand-new discoveries.


  • 运卓 1小时前 :


  • 梁丘承泽 7小时前 :

    太久太久没有看到制作精美内核实在的romcom了赶紧打个友情分 制作真的很不错 节奏拿捏很准确 如果用心看 嘴角很难不一直上扬 歌也很好听 虽然故事比较老套但是包装上了一些新潮的元素比如Live、男主身边的女人是LGBT Group之类的 JLO状态还不错 很庆幸电影里基本所有人都在做自己没有硬凹一个反派出来 总之这种电影看着开心就很好了

  • 析清妍 4小时前 :


  • 琬彤 1小时前 :


  • 芝涵 5小时前 :


  • 顿温韦 0小时前 :


  • 苑忆彤 3小时前 :

    无脑爆米花非常适合放松hhhhh 对质量没啥要求,只有一个不满,婆妈又体贴的男经纪人必须是gay好么?结尾让他跟化妆师hook up太尬了😓Wilson太伍迪艾伦范儿了,受不了酱婶儿的。以及,Silverman姐姐真可爱!

  • 沛嘉 5小时前 :


  • 让恨真 5小时前 :


  • 腾稷 8小时前 :


  • 矫采柳 6小时前 :


  • 蓓柔 0小时前 :

    没看过老版 其实这也不是翻拍 看起来像续写 运镜好牛皮好高级 看着就爽 镜像里杀人也有意思 但是编剧这剧本写的糊里糊涂 我看的也是云里雾里 还有感觉翻译是不是有问题 看得我更晕 但主要还是在说种族歧视问题吧 最后警察上来就开枪抓人 抓完威胁串供 这嘲的牛皮啊哈哈哈哈哈 这集合体candyman只杀白人 搞得跟黑人卫士一样了 最后好酷 说实话我可能有黑人脸盲症 看着看着我就分不清谁是谁 看了点评才知道最后的candyman的脸是老版的 懵 然后结束后剪影也很有趣 我都看完了 这部质感真的可 就是剧本稍微乱了点

  • 雪雪 0小时前 :

    除了“女主舞台上突然发疯嫁给陌生人”那一段,其他都还不错。 看到了人物的成长,克服恐惧,找到内心真我,帮助他人的快乐。 最后的反向求婚的一幕还有点打动人心。

  • 青香蝶 0小时前 :


  • 芮傲丝 3小时前 :


  • 缪尔风 8小时前 :


  • 烁骞 2小时前 :


  • 沛曦 2小时前 :


  • 浩暄 4小时前 :


  • 祁家傲 2小时前 :



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