
  UCLA college student Jonathan Moore (Anthony Edwards) is playing a game called "Gotcha" (popular on mid-1980s college campuses as "Assassin" or "Tag"), wherein the players are all assigned a mock "hit" on another player by use of a harmless paintball gun. Moore and his apartment roommate Manolo go on a vacation to Paris, France. After touring some of Paris, in a cafe Moore meets Sasha Banicek (Linda Fiorentino), a Czechoslovakian girl. Eventually, Jonathan has intercourse with Sasha, losing his virginity.
  Jonathan decides to leave Manolo (who is heading to Spain) and go with Sasha to West Berlin to spend more time with her. Jonathan believes that he is in love with Sasha. There, Jonathan and Sasha continue to have sex and even go to an Oktoberfest beer gathering. One night, Sasha tells Jonathan that she has to go to East Berlin to pick up a package. One night after arriving in East Berlin, Sasha leaves their hotel room and walks to dark street corner. There, Sasha meets a German man who tells her the location of the pickup of her package. Meanwhile, Sasha was being monitored by a Soviet agent, who was sitting in a car at a distance. During the day, Sasha tells Jonathan that if she gives him a certain message, it means that he has to leave East Berlin immediately. At a cafe, Sasha gives Jonathan a package and says that a strudel is inside. A little later, Sasha tells Jonathan to meet her at the butcher shop near their hotel. All of a sudden, a Soviet agent begins to chase after Sasha. Sasha decides to use Jonathan (who is holding her package) to unknowingly get the package over to West Berlin. Meanwhile, Sasha is taken by the Soviet agent and East German secret police.
  Jonathan goes to Checkpoint Charlie to cross the heavily fortified border into West Berlin. At the East German customs search, Jonathan is stripped of his clothes and given a cavity search. Meanwhile, Sasha is stripped and searched for possible espionage evidence. Vlad arrives at the border crossing to search for Jonathan, however Jonathan passes the border safely before he can be captured. Once in West Berlin, Jonathan feels liberated by the Westernized society. In the hotel, Jonathan receives a message from Sasha to meet him at a specified location. Jonathan finds out that his hotel room was broken into and robbed of his traveler's checks. Soviet agents eventually find Jonathan in West Berlin and chase him throughout a public park. Jonathan jumps into a water canal and manages to escape from the Soviets and stumbles upon a German rock group headed for Hamburg, who offer him a ride to the airport.
  The rock group successfully get Jonathan to the airport (using full-face makeup to sneak him past a checkpoint) and Jonathan finally arrives in Los Angeles Tom Bradley International Airport and to his apartment. Soon, Vlad and a band of Soviet agents arrive too in Los Angeles. Once home, Jonathan stumbles upon a film canister, which was planted by Sasha. Jonathan visits his parents and tells them what happened in Germany but they cannot believe a word of it and think Jonathan is on drugs. Jonathan decides to call the FBI then the Central Intelligence Agency for help. Jonathan returns to find his apartment broken into and looted.
  The CIA officer tells Jonathan to give them the photo film canister. At the Los Angeles headquarters of the CIA, Jonathan spots Sasha who looks like she was working there. Jonathan eventually meets up with Sasha. Sasha admits that she is Cheryl Brewster, a CIA agent, originally from Pittsburgh. Out of nowhere, Vlad and his gang begin to chase Jonathan and Cheryl on the UCLA campus. Jonathan eliminates all the Soviets with a tranquilizer gun which he gets from the campus veterinary sciences building. The Soviets are arrested, the CIA agents thank Jonathan for his (indirect) help in obtaining the film, and Sasha tells him she wants to continue their relationship.
  After they part, Jonathan talks to a pretty student who rebuffs him coldly. As she walks away, he aims the tranquilizer pistol and shoots her in the rear.


  • 潍阳 8小时前 :


  • 暄枫 8小时前 :

    这是我第一次看到有导演意识到Bruce需要涂眼影来遮住眼部轮廓😂可既然都这么在乎不被人看穿面具底下的真面目了,为什么还要露下巴呢?敌人还真就一枪都打不着蝙蝠侠的钢铁下巴,当面炸都没事啊!话说回来,这个故事真的和蝙蝠侠有关系吗?热评里说这部拍出来伯顿的风格?伯顿的两部哥特风蝙蝠侠比这有意思多了好吧?我不明白为什么蝙蝠侠一定要走film noir苦大仇深的风格。我宁愿去看乔治克鲁尼的蝙蝠侠,都不想再听这种自我意识过剩的monologue了。让Bruce过得轻松一点吧,天天压着嗓子跟哮喘似的。

  • 锺芷琪 1小时前 :


  • 藏平和 3小时前 :


  • 焦凌珍 9小时前 :

    这是一个资产阶级下的忧郁冷酷的硬汉侦探蝙蝠侠逐渐成长为一个舍己救人为哥谭人民服务的无产阶级雷锋的故事。导演表示,要拍黑色侦探电影,先得学《七宗罪》给它下雨,对,潮湿起来,阴郁起来。然后安排上《教父》里的意大利黑帮,bravo,意大利口音学起来,夜总会舞起来。然后小道具《电锯惊魂》里的口塞可以戴上。惊天大阴谋嘛《洛城机密》可以安排上,还不够?《搏击俱乐部》再补上。至于风格嘛,就得慢!人物慢慢动,镜头慢慢走,对话也得慢慢讲,按0.75倍速拍,看谁还敢1 .5倍刷视频,憋不死你们!最后别忘了ZZ正确,猫女,戈登警长,女市长,好人全得是少数族群,坏人嘛,肯定得清一色白人。坏了,蝙蝠侠还是白的,算了,让他涂黑脸吧,发扬下好莱坞的老传统。

  • 郏琬莠 2小时前 :

    导演追求film noir的质感是达到了,但美丽的镜头和有寓意的人物走位在故事薄弱的骨架上无法发挥最大力量,太慢的节奏雪上加霜。又想文艺又想动作又想侦探之后啥都不是。外加前有诺兰,简直是怎么比都没比过。

  • 颜晓 3小时前 :


  • 琳莉 3小时前 :


  • 菅玉成 4小时前 :


  • 锦静 8小时前 :


  • 空英哲 0小时前 :


  • 骏良 4小时前 :


  • 铁辰韦 5小时前 :


  • 晨运 0小时前 :

    1.导演有毛病 喜欢用灯照人

  • 祝弘图 6小时前 :

    1.导演有毛病 喜欢用灯照人

  • 邵运凯 6小时前 :


  • 盖南珍 0小时前 :

    太多星战梗 BGM无穷出戏 很多影史经典帧 连在一起完全不行 拍得很好 下次别拍了

  • 范姜云岚 1小时前 :

    half humorless white male moralist bullshit, half edgelord cliche, all boring and pretentious and makes no fucking sense. How I miss the pre-Joker era when comic book movies were not all wE LiVe iN A SoCiEtY

  • 雨锦 1小时前 :


  • 汝娟妍 4小时前 :

    据说是漫长的万圣节+第一年改编 预告片风格像92版Batman tas动画,不多说了,帕蝙和哥谭都好美了,画面诗意极了T_T好喜欢每一版阿福


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