汕头内衣厂纵火案 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 伦理片 法国 2002

导演: 刘亦菲   


  Lee Ha-yeon is the wife of the heir to Ilsin Group and she has it all: a fancy penthouse, a luxury car and everything else. Lee Ha-yeon gets discovered poisoned and dead in a hotel room. Investigations take place under secrecy and out of ears from the media. But the case is mysterious. No prints of the murderer is found in the hotel room. There are not signs of broken entry either. If it was suicide, then why did she kill herself? If it was murder, then why would anyone kill her? The people around her are suspects. Lee Ha-yeon had a distant sister named Lee Ha-jeong. She's a reporter of a magazine and she has a camera that's so precious. She gets involved with the investigation to unsolve the mystery to her sister's death. Then the shocking truths uncover...it turns out that Lee Ha-yeon had been having porn chats online. It's shocking to find out that the daughter-in-law of a powerful and wealthy plutocrat family has been doing this. Her porn videos were also going around. Then there are the statements from the men she met online that she'd been sexually involved with them several times. Lee Ha-yeon was a quiet lady during the day but a sexual one at night. However, Ha-jeong reveals everything one by one. She finds out that Jae-gyu had been pressurizing Ha-yeon and there's a dark shadow that's been trying to get rid of her. In the end, Ha-jeong stands in front of the dark shadow but there's nothing to protect her. Only her camera. Ha-jeong has to uncover the truth behind her sister's tragic death and put her own life on the line.


  • 濮瑞彩 8小时前 :

    话剧片但完全不会乏味,艾玛依然带着少女感的表演非常动人,有一些很触动人的段落,但可能是期待太高,总体没有达到预期。第三幕的冲突是意料之中,也许囿于喜剧类型,很遗憾没有给到希望有的深度,而且比起女主丰满的弧光,男主这边的矛盾落点在家庭关系上,与女主形成映照,但也体现出主创野心仅限于此,无力也无意去戳破那个肥皂泡,在极度理想化的柔光滤镜笼罩下,实际上干着咨询师工作的男主到最后也还是呈现出一个sex saint的样貌,如同全片一样,轻拿轻放,一个更大的fantasy罢了。从女性寻求、接纳、解放自身的角度值得一看。B

  • 泣鸿宝 5小时前 :


  • 柔盛 6小时前 :


  • 莲敏 4小时前 :

    不过不失的话剧电影,表面开放其实内核保守得像美国人写的剧本,相比之下几年前Sally field那部Doris倒显得大胆了。

  • 谯文思 4小时前 :


  • 水好慕 3小时前 :

    If Leo didn’t use a roll top backpack he would’ve found the vibrator a lot faster.

  • 端木晓蕾 1小时前 :


  • 梦馨 4小时前 :


  • 腾阳 8小时前 :

    性别互换骂街上万 以及 太幻想了 看完感觉目标人群年龄不超过十五岁

  • 欣冬 1小时前 :


  • 锦弘 9小时前 :

    一個人想要追尋真我永遠都不嫌晚。劇本設計大膽且有巧思,通過「優良的男性氣質」的代表 Leo ,以「經典男性氣質」自信地「教」Nancy 要丟掉世俗的規矩和自我束縛,並不斷地暗示他可以讓 Nancy 體驗高潮。但最後,Nancy 藉由女性自決的意識帶動了身體意識的覺醒,打破了「傳統女性氣質」的鐐銬,獲得了高潮體驗,煥發出全新的自我。Leo 的引導和陪伴很重要,但能掙脫自我束縛,走出社會教條規訓牢籠的,只有你自己。

  • 满承悦 2小时前 :


  • 稽志国 1小时前 :


  • 祁宇哲 1小时前 :


  • 钞梅雪 1小时前 :

    open minded。相遇是为了治愈。外求有的时候也是机遇!

  • 零曼语 4小时前 :


  • 蔚彩 2小时前 :

    If Leo didn’t use a roll top backpack he would’ve found the vibrator a lot faster.

  • 解忆南 1小时前 :

    在剧本构架上很优秀,从女性各方面的心理困境出发,通过难以启齿的交易来面对难以启齿的真实自我,再延展出社会整个人群都会面临的一些困境,最后两个人算是互帮互助了,其实关于第三次会面的争吵设置的有些刻意,但这种不经意间流露出的母亲式的过于关心与质问也还是符合Nancy人设的。男主很乖很帅很贴心很有职业素养,Emma Thompson借角色之口传达了她的人生理念和巨大的勇气。我姨太美了,紧绷的、羞赧的、懊悔的、教条的、悲伤不知所措的、释然的、绽放的、勇敢的,每一面都非常非常美。

  • 齐浩言 0小时前 :


  • 运轩 5小时前 :



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