大洪水 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 内地 1992

导演: 黄奕   


  A massive earthquake strikes the United States, which destroys the West Coast and unleashes a massive flood that threatens to destroy the East Coast as well.
  If you're wondering about this film and why it's dubbed in Italian, then read the following comment from IMDb:
  I have always wondered about the disappearance of "Deluge". Why for so many years, seemingly since it's release in 1933, this film vanished from the face of the earth. After seeing it, courtesy of the efforts of Mr. Wade Williams & Co., I'm still puzzled, but I have a theory. In 1933, "the code" was enacted that pretty much took care of sex and violence in Hollywood. While not an explicit film by any means, "Deluge" does deal fairly frankly with sexuality, lust and rape. I wonder if RKO discovered they had a film that they could not re-release, much like the fabled lost Warner Bros. comedy "Convention City". It's a shame for, while it is a dated film, I find it quite unique and surprising for it's era and a fairly successful attempt to create something different in an era when films were already becoming cookie cutter by-products of the studio machine (not that many of those cookies aren't tasty, mind you). And even though the only available copy at this writing is dubbed into Italian, I don't find that a hinderance. An excellent job was done in subtitling the film, and much of the film is visual anyway.


  • 祁金理 6小时前 :


  • 程浦泽 7小时前 :


  • 隽天韵 4小时前 :


  • 靖听云 8小时前 :

    我现在,应该能理解,女主最后洞悉一切,她这一生也就完了。 心里迈不过去的。

  • 绳醉山 8小时前 :


  • 蒙冰冰 9小时前 :

    自由是甜中带苦 风的滋味新鲜又带点咸 我们笑着 双脚悬空 我们跳舞 不停跳舞 我们是自由的 我们是坚强的 我们是永恒的

  • 皇又柔 5小时前 :


  • 琪锦 9小时前 :


  • 袁亦旋 2小时前 :


  • 霍芮丽 6小时前 :

    前半段的节奏在铺垫阶段太过于柔弱 没有足够的线索来应对后面节奏的变化和反转 加快节奏九十分钟的时长应该可以更加理想 后面为了反转而反转的意味太重 心理戏又不够支撑 女主图有身材演技缺很一般 男主的声音也很出戏 总的来说风格比较复古有《后窗》的壳子却没有那么强大的控场能力

  • 蔚馨 6小时前 :

    what a sick story......

  • 祁映桥 0小时前 :


  • 赖文乐 5小时前 :

    刘承羽太犯规了吧!贼美555|偷窥 看就看了 去介入、干涉就不会有什么好结果 听到隔壁偶尔的争执声都不确定是不是主人的任务了 女主太勇了也(遇到家暴之类的除外!要勇于伸出援手!)|看到画展之后有种看《做我的奴隶2》的意思 后面的剧情发展太单调了也

  • 金宏远 5小时前 :

    镜头时刻告诉我们 我们看电影的人也是偷窥者,不要陷得太深

  • 桂玲 3小时前 :


  • 辉音华 2小时前 :


  • 郸雅琴 2小时前 :


  • 羊舌明凝 2小时前 :


  • 郭秋柏 5小时前 :

    这么好的题材能拍成这样,美国人真的好土 (刘承羽和悉尼我可以!

  • 锦锦 3小时前 :

    前面一直都平平淡淡 但是从后面开始剧情一反转立刻走向高潮 偷窥别人的同时别人也在偷窥着你。永远忘不了文学课上老师调侃说 别人对你嘘寒问暖其实就是想打听你的事 大家为什么热爱八卦 就是想满足自己的窥探欲。所以还是挺有道理的。还有一点大家真的都不觉得这个女主真的很像夏奇拉吗sos!!!


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