宜家裸照 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 喜剧片 内地 2004

导演: 焦媛   


  6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful.
  A brilliant and outragously funny satire of society, 7 December 1999
  Author: Dave Joerg ([email protected])
  "Flodder" is one of the funniest movies ever made and few people realise that it is a Dutch movie made by none other than the Holland version of John Carpenter, the famous Dick Maas, author and director of the thriller "Amsterdamned". The Flodder family is the reincarnation of the term a-social. When the whole family bunch, basically all bastards, criminals and sluts must be relocated from their City slum because of toxic waste under their house, the city council house no choice. The only available space is in the "Zoendal" - the "Sun Valley" the best area in Amsterdam where all doctors, snobs and businessmen can afford to live their lives. And where the central point of interest and politics is the tennis club of the community. The Flodder family brings devastation to the tranquil world that ruled before. They are simply unbelievable. The characterisation is incredibly funny, beginning with Ma Flodder who searches other people's trash cans for food or making illegal liquor in her cellar and ending with the eldest daughter who is the biggest slut on earth. Together they make the most horrible family imaginable, a sort of immoral mirror image to the Brady Bunch or the Waltons. When the City counsel of Amsterdam hoped that the Flodders would show their good will to be more civilised in their new area, it turns out that Holland's most famous family would rather bring out the worst in the rich people of "Sun Valley"-wonderland. The rest is a hilarious, brilliant and well made social satire that can be watched as a provocative movie as well as a straightforward comedy. Dick Maas at his best. I salute him! Flooder was the Dutch smash hit in 1986 and brought two sequels and a tv series. All of the sequels were nice but not as great as the original.
  Flodders (1986) is available on DVD in Germany in a dubbed German version in Dolby Digital 5.1. under the name:
  "Flodders -Eine Familie zum knutschen"
  Why is First Floor Features, the producer of the movie not bringing the Dick Maas blockbusters out on DVD in the Netherlands, I wonder. The are not even available on video there. These movies have so much potential, still to this day and have a huge silent but true following.


  • 振骞 3小时前 :

    Alex Garland的风格依然强劲,但是感觉剧本缺乏一些东西,后面女主角反而成为了道具

  • 别醉易 6小时前 :


  • 嘉彩 4小时前 :


  • 卫平 2小时前 :


  • 库景中 0小时前 :

    本届戛纳的大惊喜。以为《湮灭》已经够WTF了结果出现了这个(褒义)。最后一场戏非常挑战观众的接受能力(毫不夸张),有柯南伯格那些经典的body horror内味儿了。对女性来说既是极度恐惧的也是极度真实的,而对于男性观众来说,我希望他们在经类型片代入女性身体感受时,被十足地震撼到

  • 刘晗玥 8小时前 :

    恐男片 不吓人 真邪典 后面连环分娩那段我和女主表情差不太多 大概就是“我特么在看什么玩意” 适应能力差的人千万不要看

  • 弭明轩 5小时前 :


  • 以飞鸣 2小时前 :

    A failed attempt of “I’m not like the rest of the men.” 作为男性导演写出的八股文,展现一种对toxic masculinity和女性生存困境完全不理解的tonedeaf。Bravo Alex.

  • 喻莎莎 1小时前 :


  • 友莘莘 3小时前 :


  • 俊倩 4小时前 :


  • 婷晨 5小时前 :


  • 况阳波 1小时前 :

    Alex Garland作为男性导演首次拍摄女性电影,还是太浅薄,所以倍显无聊(当然,女性可能会更感同身受)。大量无用沉冗的镜头,过于单一的摄影和调度,以及令人不安、随机出现的配乐,对于氛围营造和剧情推进都毫无用处。很像《我想结束这一切》(女主都是Jessie Buckley演的),但可解读性和情绪把控远不如它,美学也略弱于它。Jessie和一人分饰多角的Rory演技不错。控制、暴露、暴力、伪善、保守、无脑、羞辱,男性劣质层层套娃,一星给最后的cult场面(虽然《停尸房收藏》已出现过男性生子,且cult迷表示没有特别被shock到)。然后就是,我就想看个走心不偷懒、聪明有创新的恐怖片,咋这么难?(叹气)

  • 五玉韵 4小时前 :


  • 却德容 3小时前 :


  • 局辰宇 9小时前 :


  • 元谷槐 5小时前 :

    最直观的裸男是暴露 丈夫是控制 房东是逞英雄 少年是幼稚 牧师是吊癌 女性拥有以上特征男性一般都能接受甚至有的还能加分 但身份互换以上特征对女性来说却是噩梦 这是女性跟男性在认知感觉的五大差异

  • 彩漫 0小时前 :


  • 妫明旭 8小时前 :


  • 恭星光 5小时前 :

    当意象化叙事作为目的而不是载体呈现时 分就不好打了


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