女生事业单位体检项目 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 印度 2015

导演: 鲍蕾   


  "Falsely accused as the murderer of my own husband... Oh, the cruel machinations of fate!" A female teacher (Lee Yong-ae) gives shelter to an escaped convict, but her husband, misconstruing her intentions, reacts violently and accidentally stabs himself to death in the process. The teacher is charged with her husband's murder, but fortunately the prosecutor on the case is a former student of hers, of whom she had taken painstaking care when she was working at an elementary school. Remembering her kindness to him, the prosecutor uncovers her innocence in court, and she is acquitted of the crime.
  "A silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films" (Chung Jong-wha)
  A Public Prosecutor and a Teacher is familiar to us for the performance of Shin Chool, Korea's last silent movie narrator (known as "byeonsa"in Korean). Numerous critics have recommended the film, praising it as "a silent movie that allows us to examine the narrator-accompanied method of 16mm films" (Chung Jong-wha), "the work of Korea's last silent movie narrator" (Kim Hong-joon), a movie that "reflects the public's consciousness and has great historical value" (Lee Seung-hun), and "the archetypal new-school film" (Chung Sung-il). As evidenced by such commentary, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherenjoys greater recognition for its historical value as the only surviving silent movie in Korea than for its artistic or technical aspects. What is ironic is the fact that this recognition derivesfrom a production and screening method that fell behind the times, as sound films (or "talkies") had already become the norm when the movie was first made. Its inclusion in the list is therefore based on its historical, social context rather than on the film itself.
  - Narrated by Shin Chool, who is known as Korea's last silent film narrator, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacherhas been screened at several film festivals since the latter half of the 1990s.


  • 克初 2小时前 :


  • 彩碧 4小时前 :


  • 依白夏 6小时前 :


  • 恒然 8小时前 :


  • 心采 5小时前 :


  • 出长逸 3小时前 :


  • 华娜 5小时前 :

    520一个人看这部片子是一种仪式感,也很奇妙。1. 在漫长的时间里,所有情爱怨仇都是浮云,“人来人往,克劳利家族永远都在”。2.老夫人的去世总让我担心现实中演员真的会去世,还有女王走了大概也是这样,然后更难受。老夫人这段浪漫经历又证明了,和不爱的人结婚对彼此都是多大的伤害。3.大小姐更像老夫人了,回忆起大表哥的神情意味深长让人神伤,而导演问那一句后她坚定回答“No”,让我肃然起敬。她靠在Carlson肩头恸哭,更让人心疼(Carlson真的慈爱)。4.大表哥的母亲对我而言更像一位楷模,很难形容失独后的她,可能会是未来的我自己吧。5.祝福大家都像Mosley一样事业爱情双丰收!

  • 开寅骏 4小时前 :

    "90% of directing is casting"

  • 勤贞韵 4小时前 :


  • 卫佳妮 0小时前 :

  • 佘旭彬 4小时前 :

    tmd原作那么拉 为啥还能做呢么好 真就有钱任性呗

  • 宋慧丽 4小时前 :

    这个系列确实没有继续的必要了,给个情怀三星吧。已经变成庄园文化僵尸了,观感如同裹脚布,无趣冗长。疫情都过去两年半了,唐家屯还在上演阶级固化、小打小闹但永远无伤大雅的合家欢大电影,仿佛给每个人凑到cp、结婚生子就是童话里的happy ending。唯一欣慰的是我们英俊迷人又贤惠的Barrow小可爱终于找到partner了,而那压根没有几幕的情节竟然也被和谐了(我根本不需要查都可以想象至多是个kiss,和对lady mary的一小段自白),简直、气到变形(-"-怒)That's why I can't put up with (you know who)……

  • 仕骞 8小时前 :


  • 图门曼岚 2小时前 :

    Mary对休丹西说,他让她想起了大表哥!!!Holy我的天呐!本来能看到有这么多戏份的小茶杯我就已经很惊喜了,居然还能这样一起提到我的两个爱人?!Too dreamy to be true. 茶茶还向Mary一表芳心,aww. 唐顿真是一直都能让人感到温暖和善意呀。但是从此看不到老夫人了,失落。

  • 云梅雪 1小时前 :


  • 帆璟 4小时前 :

    Mary对休丹西说,他让她想起了大表哥!!!Holy我的天呐!本来能看到有这么多戏份的小茶杯我就已经很惊喜了,居然还能这样一起提到我的两个爱人?!Too dreamy to be true. 茶茶还向Mary一表芳心,aww. 唐顿真是一直都能让人感到温暖和善意呀。但是从此看不到老夫人了,失落。

  • 家钊 5小时前 :


  • 夕康复 2小时前 :


  • 卫三泓 7小时前 :


  • 东郭笑霜 9小时前 :

    节奏上比上一部温润不少,狗血与叙事性都在,加了很多外景。总感觉这不是新20s拍的作品,在最浮躁的时代拍时代温情片,英国人对唐顿庄园的记忆其实不亚于甄嬛传。死亡伴随着新生,婚礼之后就是人生的葬礼,做一场古典优雅的英国庄园好莱坞电影梦。平行时空下的男演员和男服务员的私奔与逃跑,大胆与勇敢的kiss kiss,为新时代揭开新纪元的序幕。(电影院buff加成!19.9一个人包场两个小时空调吹爽啦!)


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