上海李雅48分在线看 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 美国 2003

导演: 舒淇   


IN SHANGHAIIn Shanghai Lou Ye, 2001short FilmIn Shanghai or the eyes of a Chinese director of his city, Shanghai, Communist economic center , but also megalopolis with many faces ...Lou Ye is a great filmmaker. After having the success that we know for the sublime Suzhou River, the young director of the sixth generation is coupled to the design of this short film about Shanghai, the city of his heart , beautiful and multicultural . Camera in hand ( for lovers is a Sony DSR- PD150 DVCam ... ) for subjective , Lou Ye rhyme begins this urban plan by a girl asleep on a bed. Slowly the camera moves out of the suburb where this unknown young woman is given the arms of Morpheus , better visit this city that is Shanghai. The narrator who is also the hero says in voice-over that he loves this megalopolis . It focuses on the residents of these neighborhoods without cloth and without resources where most of the native population of Shanghai Lodge . Indeed the streets Zongshan Donglu which contains the Bund, Pudong, the famous Oriental Pearl is not the stock market and everyone. We must go farther Jingan District to discover the social wealth of this city . Why attach immense cold and nervous architectures while the Shanghai Blood flows through the veins of its rural ? It's a little message Lou Ye through this short film ."You can guess who they are, but we can never really know "Lou Ye eradicates a rare cinematic power of this often precarious and old people waiting on the bus every morning to go to work and make the Chinese economy humming .The old streets of the city like the nearby temple Cheung Hong Bund to the bank of the Huangpu , the filmmaker does not recognize the city. As if all these steel towers of the 21st century had absorbed the social essence of the " Paris of the East" .Lou Ye then takes us on a visit to the arcades , discos, clubs, dances, flashy locations and disconnected from the reality of ordinary people in the middle of poverty which is near workers and street vendors where people drown their defecation in water by putting the edge of an old tub ... This is a new look for the Western .Finally, after making stops in a dangerous Shanghai streets by night , the hero wakes up in the morning director in a corner near buildings unsafe and fixed on the face of a shy child , concluding : "The only thing that matters is Shanghai . "By these words Mr. Lou Ye, I bear you my esteem .


  • 孔梓美 0小时前 :


  • 六惜雪 9小时前 :


  • 崔雅媚 5小时前 :


  • 扶芳洁 5小时前 :


  • 东方映颖 6小时前 :


  • 奚依琴 8小时前 :


  • 公冶半双 1小时前 :


  • 善醉香 2小时前 :


  • 宇柔雅 6小时前 :


  • 妫天宇 7小时前 :

    gyt说的对 焦虑的时候在吃饭的时候看一部无脑搞笑电影是一件很快乐的事情!(前半段真是太搞笑了!!!!烦死了!!!后面有点la

  • 慎博敏 3小时前 :


  • 愚逸美 1小时前 :

    感觉还可以,整体并不是很完整,但是也没有强制性煽情,也不是悲剧结尾,结尾又是一个新的开始。 我很想问为什么不能原谅刘平安?到底做错了什么?因为从头开始这是个引子,但是结尾却没说为什么?佳佳的病怎么样?既然好了 应该给个镜头看一下 或者空镜来个照片什么的,结尾去接赵,但是他的小弟和孩子没有交代 或者用语言带一下也可以。感觉完整但不完全。整体很推荐,当喜剧片看非常合适。

  • 国以云 2小时前 :


  • 乐正娇然 5小时前 :


  • 安春雪 4小时前 :


  • 彩梅 8小时前 :


  • 以美曼 7小时前 :


  • 俊妍 8小时前 :


  • 惠楠 9小时前 :


  • 兰茂典 4小时前 :



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