上海雅趣在线 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 美国 2012

导演: 周璇   


IN SHANGHAIIn Shanghai Lou Ye, 2001short FilmIn Shanghai or the eyes of a Chinese director of his city, Shanghai, Communist economic center , but also megalopolis with many faces ...Lou Ye is a great filmmaker. After having the success that we know for the sublime Suzhou River, the young director of the sixth generation is coupled to the design of this short film about Shanghai, the city of his heart , beautiful and multicultural . Camera in hand ( for lovers is a Sony DSR- PD150 DVCam ... ) for subjective , Lou Ye rhyme begins this urban plan by a girl asleep on a bed. Slowly the camera moves out of the suburb where this unknown young woman is given the arms of Morpheus , better visit this city that is Shanghai. The narrator who is also the hero says in voice-over that he loves this megalopolis . It focuses on the residents of these neighborhoods without cloth and without resources where most of the native population of Shanghai Lodge . Indeed the streets Zongshan Donglu which contains the Bund, Pudong, the famous Oriental Pearl is not the stock market and everyone. We must go farther Jingan District to discover the social wealth of this city . Why attach immense cold and nervous architectures while the Shanghai Blood flows through the veins of its rural ? It's a little message Lou Ye through this short film ."You can guess who they are, but we can never really know "Lou Ye eradicates a rare cinematic power of this often precarious and old people waiting on the bus every morning to go to work and make the Chinese economy humming .The old streets of the city like the nearby temple Cheung Hong Bund to the bank of the Huangpu , the filmmaker does not recognize the city. As if all these steel towers of the 21st century had absorbed the social essence of the " Paris of the East" .Lou Ye then takes us on a visit to the arcades , discos, clubs, dances, flashy locations and disconnected from the reality of ordinary people in the middle of poverty which is near workers and street vendors where people drown their defecation in water by putting the edge of an old tub ... This is a new look for the Western .Finally, after making stops in a dangerous Shanghai streets by night , the hero wakes up in the morning director in a corner near buildings unsafe and fixed on the face of a shy child , concluding : "The only thing that matters is Shanghai . "By these words Mr. Lou Ye, I bear you my esteem .


  • 周耘志 5小时前 :


  • 厉宏扬 1小时前 :


  • 彩茜 8小时前 :


  • 卓映菱 4小时前 :

    有时候你很想很想安排一场体面的葬礼,然后妻子心不在焉,朋友穿错dress code,牧师酗酒宿醉,小孩爬上屋顶玩出短路,那个路过的女人艳光四射但半程就离席了,留死者在棺材里默默爆炸,差不多就是这么个效果吧。无良比喻,烂片。

  • 崔雨凝 1小时前 :


  • 寒欣 1小时前 :


  • 富玉堂 0小时前 :


  • 其芸溪 8小时前 :


  • 初鸿 1小时前 :


  • 宫家馨 9小时前 :

    史上第一次,007出场并殉职。尽管是事先张扬的告别,但这个方式带来的失落感还是超过了我的预期(路易阿姆斯特朗的歌声可能有加成)。大概还是对good old days逝去的慨叹吧,包括菲利克斯的死、与Blofeld最后一次见面的形式感以及如幽魂伴随一生的幽灵党的灭亡,除了老伙计们一起送个别的意思外,也是改朝换代让出位子的程序。不过也是因为告别味道过重(不断强调的“只是一个符号”之类,甚至克雷格的表演都让人觉得有些不自然),让最后结局近乎丧失了情感冲击力。克雷格时代的邦德有了人情味,这是他贡献的独特形象,当然不论是爱人甚至是有了孩子,终究还是孤家寡人的独行者,这份怅然和《女王密使》的结尾差不多。James Bond will return,其实不如真的就借着这个“不可触碰”随时代隐没进影史和历史中。

  • 冒鸿振 8小时前 :


  • 卫蓓蓓 8小时前 :


  • 妍碧 1小时前 :

    虽然这是收官之作但007真的有必要比沙丘还长8分钟吗 而且整部电影的絮叨琐碎像雾像雨又像风 像波恩像碟中谍又像王牌大贱谍 但就是不像007自己 更不像的地方自己去电影院看吧 我只能说15年 5部电影 vesper lynd仿佛ghost in shell,that no one could ever outbeat her 蕾老师也不行 一场华丽的爆炸将戏内外冷战的阴影炸的灰飞烟灭 这个franchise还有必要继续吗? 不然我们就将美好永远定格在这一刻吧。

  • 孔幼荷 4小时前 :


  • 告俊晤 8小时前 :


  • 岳帅灵凡 8小时前 :


  • 嬴安筠 0小时前 :


  • 巧春梅 0小时前 :


  • 明好洁 4小时前 :


  • 修含玉 3小时前 :



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