金浩一 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 动作片 中国 1996

导演: 美女奉奉   


This is a budget action film. Some people seem to think that low budget means that bad acting and worse action scenes are excusable. Anyone whose seen a really good budget movie will know that there's really no excuse. All directors have to start somewhere of course, but this director wont be going anywhere, in my opinion. The acting in this film is truly awful. There's not much I can say to redeem it. The mood of the film flicks between over-serious and Benny hill trash comedy (an apparent attempt to reproduce the comedy style of some Japanese action films, which doesn't work). The car chase being a good example; what the hell is with the stupid music and unfunny attempts at comedy when the rest of the film is trying to be serious?!. It makes no sense and gives the feeling that the director was either high, a clueless student, or both. There are some hot babes in the film but nowhere near hot enough to make the bad acting bearable. Bas is a hero to any fighting fan but I'm afraid to say his appearance is so short I can't even recommend the film to his die-hard fans. A previous reviewer forgave this film's misgivings giving it 8 stars, and I can understand that there are times when budget movie-trash is sometimes a good laugh, but there are so many much better budget films than this that I can't find it in my heart to recommend it to anyone other than the directors mum.


  • 郝碧巧 7小时前 :


  • 淳于春荷 9小时前 :


  • 林佳 9小时前 :


  • 诚休 2小时前 :

    有些刻意了。。 过于耍宝,也不是很懂为什么女警察突然就成了反派

  • 逸侠 9小时前 :


  • 龙然 9小时前 :


  • 澹台尔蝶 1小时前 :

    前期很吓人 后面很感人 就是逻辑上有点说不通

  • 殷祺福 4小时前 :


  • 铭中 5小时前 :

    gossip ballet 很多模仿其他電影的痕跡 女主像Anne Hathaway 感情部分特別尷尬

  • 武念云 3小时前 :


  • 歆桃 4小时前 :


  • 浮清舒 9小时前 :


  • 裴尔阳 2小时前 :

    哈哈哈。片荒看看还是不错的。虽然剧情比较单调,但毕竟偏向儿童奇幻风。没啥说的,男主小男孩通过讲恐怖故事催眠女巫的设定还可以,小演员的演技还是不错的。最后勇敢战胜女巫,逃离魔爪,结交到好朋友,回归家庭..happy ending .. 通俗老套的美国电影。哈哈哈哈😂

  • 珠茜 0小时前 :

    非常常见的黑白斗嘴警探二人组 为什么宣传片里他们非要打太极呢?

  • 濯易梦 2小时前 :

    本来看了评分不想看 但是又真的很好奇能烂成什么样 可能期望太低所以反而觉得很好看 还好做好了不百合的心理准备 看的人心烦但是却又是真实世界的黑暗面 不想接受也得接受 平时可以捂着眼睛假装看不见就不存在的人性的恶 被赤裸裸的展现 又会回归到一个问题上面 是不是真的有钱人才会宽容 穷人总是大概率像女主这副德行 为什么女性的关系总是相爱相杀 唯一笑了的一处就是 “你和你的姐妹3P?”哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 那不然你俩是什么关系呢 3p炮友?M好蛊 我有被迷住 最后的结局甚至不知道女主对M的影响 究竟是积极的还是消极的 在面对这个世界固化阶级的不公平的时候 像我这种垃圾可能早早就放弃了 从这点上来说 女主真的很有毅力 但是备不住无路可走时候的拼死一搏 可以思考的东西蛮多的一部电影 不难看

  • 骏升 2小时前 :


  • 盘丹云 6小时前 :


  • 星枫 1小时前 :


  • 鹏鸿 0小时前 :


  • 锋家 9小时前 :



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