金浩一 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 动作片 法国 2014

导演: 沈丽君   


This is a budget action film. Some people seem to think that low budget means that bad acting and worse action scenes are excusable. Anyone whose seen a really good budget movie will know that there's really no excuse. All directors have to start somewhere of course, but this director wont be going anywhere, in my opinion. The acting in this film is truly awful. There's not much I can say to redeem it. The mood of the film flicks between over-serious and Benny hill trash comedy (an apparent attempt to reproduce the comedy style of some Japanese action films, which doesn't work). The car chase being a good example; what the hell is with the stupid music and unfunny attempts at comedy when the rest of the film is trying to be serious?!. It makes no sense and gives the feeling that the director was either high, a clueless student, or both. There are some hot babes in the film but nowhere near hot enough to make the bad acting bearable. Bas is a hero to any fighting fan but I'm afraid to say his appearance is so short I can't even recommend the film to his die-hard fans. A previous reviewer forgave this film's misgivings giving it 8 stars, and I can understand that there are times when budget movie-trash is sometimes a good laugh, but there are so many much better budget films than this that I can't find it in my heart to recommend it to anyone other than the directors mum.


  • 云呈 1小时前 :


  • 揭芷烟 7小时前 :


  • 哲勇 1小时前 :


  • 仝以蕊 8小时前 :


  • 姓卓逸 7小时前 :


  • 允冬梅 0小时前 :


  • 怡花 3小时前 :


  • 孝丁兰 3小时前 :


  • 愈建德 0小时前 :

    C+. 像小学刚教记叙文时写的那种看似情感充沛实则死板乏味的《我的爸妈》。每个情节转折和技术处理都落在意料之中,足见成品有多么无趣。结尾很好,也再次印证了,记忆永远是最具情感力量的命题。2022.1.27 Gaumont Parnasse

  • 招凝竹 0小时前 :

    base 东京。时隔好久的一次观影。在柯南电影系列里算还可以的吧

  • 凌季萌 1小时前 :

    最爱 Joaquin 陪着 Woody 去街头收音的几组镜头,小鬼举着收音 mic 聆听周遭世界的同时,Joaquin 和我们聆听的是自己的内心吧…

  • 卫宁辉 5小时前 :

    具有强迷惑性的概念匹配——假想父亲对照失职母亲、城市氛围映衬人物境遇、大小演员的成熟表演方法与紧密对白节奏形成代际对抗,在欲扬先抑中水到渠成,交付某种普世且“当下”的亲密关系。So Boring!感觉当代好莱坞作者把力气全部用在了如何不声不响地掩饰说教,让作品的爹味显得没那么冲。

  • 崇天薇 4小时前 :

    Phoenix的眼睛表现力太强了。时而平静,just makes u feel safe;时而充满无奈,when he was exhausted…a great actor just can bring the whole film to a higher level.

  • 延弘阔 2小时前 :

    3.7分。 这部片子算是回到了麦克·米尔斯的那部《初学者》的水平,大量的闪回画面,看似无意义实则扎着绵密注脚的读书文字,都让我们感受到朦胧和多义的味道。 一个舅舅在缺爱多年后,临时照顾外甥,由此展开了一段有欢喜有烦恼的人生小插曲,在此之中,三个人都得到某种程度的成长。舅舅不再遮盖伤痕,妈妈重新认识了儿子,小男孩有了继续生活的勇气,从底色上依然是美式积极价值观的重拾,但叙述的方式和影像的魅力却不同寻常。成人如何重新定义自己?孩子如何发掘长大的勇气,这个话题可能是贯穿米尔斯电影最为重要的一个命题。

  • 库知慧 9小时前 :

    好看好看好看!!!!每一部柯南我都喜欢!!!!只可惜遇到的晚了,还好发现了宝藏ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ

  • 博暄 9小时前 :


  • 卫小利 2小时前 :

    远景摄影非常有一套 舒适

  • 建平心 0小时前 :


  • 利韵宁 4小时前 :


  • 丁梦菲 0小时前 :



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